Sunday, July 17, 2011

What should i do with my girlfriend?

I've been dating my girlfriend for about 2 years on and off. I've broken up with her 7 times because she drives me nuts. She is Palestinian(not muslim thought, Christian), but her family is very strict on who she marries. She is the youngest of 6 children and their all girls. She has never introduced me to her parents in 2 years, i have to change my only day off from work which is Saturday to Thursday because she tells her parents she has school, but instead she really meets up with me all day. And i work 12 hour days and get home at midnite every day and thats my only day off and God forbid i tell her i cant hangout that day because i have stuff to take care of, she gets all mad at me and makes me feel bad. She has met my family but im still a secret to her and it bothers me because i dont feel appreciated, and we've talked about marriage but now once again i feel as if i dont wanna be with her because she's just selfish and materialistic. She always tries telling me what to do, she got mad because i wouldnt grow a goatee after i told her i dont like them. She told me before that in her heritage the guy pays for the wedding and the house when they get married, im 100% Sicilian and the father of the bride always pays for the wedding, but she told me that not how my family does it. CONCLUSION-I feel so much pressure and stress from her all the time because its almost like if i dont do what she wants i feel bad because im trying to be nice, but its to the point where i cant take it anymore, am i wrong for feeling this way or should i act on how i feel??? Please help

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