Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you think I'm pregnant?

I know the best way to find out is take a pregnancy test and I do plan on it. I'm just not sure if I'd just be wasting my money again. I've been thinking I was pregnant on and off since mid February. I took a text March 30th but it cam out negative so I took another one a couple days later that also came out negative. Lately, I have been urinating a lot more frequently. A lot of people have commented on how much bigger my stomach and boobs look. my boobs are sensitive. i usually sleep on my stomach but the last two weeks its impossible because I'll start feeling sick. i get nauseated daily more toward the evening. at the store in the cleaner aisle i started feeling sick due to all the smells. I'm hungry constantly. I've been experiencing flutters that people are saying is just muscle spasms but now its just one quick spasm it doesn't happen again for hours.The only thing screaming not pregnant is my monthly period always on time. However, my mother had a period with all 4 of her kids and my sister had her period with her second one. Do you think I am?

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