Friday, July 15, 2011

Do you suffer from seizures? Because i think that i may be please help me...?

I'm no doctor, but that surely can't be right? The doctor shouldn't be turning you away everytime you go to the surgery. Ever thought of going straight to the hospital, or going private(even though that could cost the earth). It may not be anything serious, you may just be prone to mi granes, my aunt always has them, and she went to doctors and they said she doesnt get them regularly enough to be on medication( I would say she gets them at least 2-4 times a month). Yours sound more regular so if you aren't already on medication, you could try that by asking the doctor/ chemist. Hope I helped! Obviously keep going to the doctors and pester them for answers and more tests until you get some answers as it cant be nice to have such bad headaches! Hope you get your diagnosis soon and feel better!

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